Jarvis and I love going to the Sydney Aquarium each week, but this morning had a horrible experience with one of their members of staff. We were looking at an exhibit that features native fish, which are all very small. There are no signs saying: Keep Fingers Out. Anyway, Jarvis had a couple of fingers splashing in the water, well away from any of the tiny fish and a member of staff walked by and said, with a snear, 'Don't coming running to us when his fingers get bitten off". Now I've found everyone at the aquarium very helpful and friendly, but this bloke seemed to have missed his training on how to deal with the public. Would it have not been more polite and correct to have said, "Excuse me, but it might be a good idea for the toddler not to put his fingers in the water just in case he gets a nip"
It's now lunchtime and Jarvis is having a nap, so I thought I'd get that off my chest and think about whether I should call the aquarium and complain. What do you think? Should I complain or let it go? Comments welcome, please :o)
House Dad.
Hi Jarvis, glad you didn't get your fingers nipped! Tell your Dada that we think you should call up and constructively complain - that guy was rude!!
Good luck!
Hi House Dad and Jarvis, yes we think you should call and complain, not enough people speak up in these situations, and if you go every week they should be treating you both as valued customers. On a side note glas Jarvis still has all his fingers and toes.
Have a merry xmas in Sydney, we will be there on the 28th, is it horribly hot or bearable?
Katey and Mum
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