Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Food Poisoning II

Apologies for no update yesterday, but it seems the bout of food poisoning I had towards the end of last week came back to haunt me on Monday. It's not all bad as we went for dinner with Louise and Rosie in the evening, and Jarvis had a ball playing with his mates.

Today I was still not too flash, so we stayed in and took it easy. I made the most of the opportunity and started Jarvis on Potty training. Needless to say, it was a disaster, with the potty being on my head for most of the time. Luckily we have polished floor boards, so I've been running round with a mop and bucket for most of the day washing up Jarvis' little mishaps. If anyone could give me any advice re: potty training, I'd love to hear it.

Anyway, Working Mum is out every night this week, so lets just say bedtime is quite loose this week :0)

House Dad.

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