Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Jarvis Thinks Jackson Is the Bizz

After only owning Mario Kart for less than 24-hours, Jarvis is now an expert! From his initial dire first 19-minute lap, he is now doing somersaults, back flips and speeding around the courses, far faster than me. It just proves how well these Wii are set up for little people. Or is it that I'm getting slow and decrepit!

After Jarvis was wrenched away from his Wii, we drove over to see my friend Belinda and her wee ones Jackson (6), Evie Rose (4) and Cissy (18-months) Evie Rose is in the same year as Jarvis at school, but in the other class, while Jackson is a big guy and goes upstairs at I.G.S. Cissy and Felix are play buddies in the waiting room, while Belinda, Jane, Emma and myself, bitch and moan about our day :o)

Anyway, this morning was the first time that Jarvis had met Jackson and I think there was a bit of hero worship going on, as Jackson is very cool and a Big Fella. I was impressed too, as it's nice to know that at about 6, if we are on track with Jarvis, you get a very decent young man like Jackson come out the other end.

What impressed Jarvis most about Jackson was the cut he acquired on his elbow in the playground. It was a pretty decent graze and oozed plenty of blood. Now I just need Jarvis to be as stoic about injuries as Jackson.

After messing around in the playground, we went back to Belinda's for a cup of tea. Well, we would have, but Belinda didn't have any milk or tea bags, so yeah! Joking aside, it was great to have some adult time talking with Belinda and the wee ones all played pretty well together too. Felix also snuck in a crafty cuddle with Belinda, who along with Jane and Emma, are the only people outside of Adrienne and I, that he'll go to.

Just before we left, Jarvis got his final dose of big guy action, with some kung fu moves on the trampoline. However, as we left, Jarvis got all emotional and really didn't want to leave his buddies behind. Belinda calmed him down though, as she promised him that he could come back another day. he was stoked and now has an action figure named after Jackson!

House Dad.

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