Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Two-Days Down - Seven-Weeks To Go!

Adrienne is out with clients tonight, so I've just put in a straight 13-hour day entertaining the boys. I hope that this update makes sense, as it's now after 10 and I'm stuffed.

Once the boys were bathed and dressed, I distracted them with some water melon, while I got the day bag ready for our trip to Bondi Mall, to buy Adrienne's Xmas present. It's great when they sit down together nice and quietly.

When we returned, we found that our delivery of nappies had arrived. The boys opened the boxes and played with the packets of plastic wrapped nappies for ages. They made walls, steeping stones and a bloody mess!

As Jarvis is not doing his holiday programme, we are saving $70 a day. I thought that I'd use some of the saved money to by the boys (and me) and new Wii game (Adrienne won't know this until she reads the blog on the way home). I bought Mario Kart and Jarvis loves it. To be honest, he's pretty awful, but I'm sure with practice, he'll be whipping my butt in a days.

Another laboriously slow lap by Jarvis, who even stops during races for a rest, as apparently, Mario looks a bit worn out, so needs to stop for a while. This results in some laps taking about 12-minutes!

We found a packet of old sparklers in the cupboard, so as soon as the first bit of dusk fell, we were outside playing. Jarvis spelling is pretty good and he wrote HOT with one of his sparklers. Yet another hint form the wee guy that he wants Hot Wheels for Xmas!

House Dad - Off to bed :o)

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