Monday, October 17, 2005

Family Day - Manly

Both working Mum and I noticed that Jarvis was out of salts on Saturday, when we dragged him around several open homes. It must be the change of city/country/time zone and surroundings that have mixed him up. With this in mind, we decided to have a 100% family day on Sunday and spent most of it at the Zoo. I know I've already said it, but Taronga Zoo is AMAZING. Anyway, we had a great day and we both noticed today, that the wee man is now back on track.

Today, the boys headed to Manly to check out Ocean World. It was OK, but the best part was the walk on the beach afterwards. As we came out of Ocean World, I walked up to a coffee stall to get a caffine fix. Jarvis, seeing the beach, made a dash towards the steps that ran down to it. All the coffee drinkers outside the stall held their breath waiting for the worst to happen. I just calmly called out, 'Jarvis, backwards' and made the sit down motion with my hand. At this, he stopped, sat down, turned his back to the steps and crawled down safely. I could see all the coffee drinkers looking amazed. It's all thanks to the wonderful Maureen Perry for teaching us to trust and respect our Little People ;O)Shame she never taught me when I was young, as I slipped over on my arse about 20-minutes later!

After the walk on the beach, Jarvis and I had a picnic, which was a VERY special moment for me, sitting with my boy, eating sarnies and watching the boats. I so enjoy these moments.

Below are two pictures from Sunday at the Zoo and one from today at Manly. I have also added a new movie from today, which is VERY funny. Click the movie link to the right.

House Dad.

1 comment:

Bex said...

Hi, another Trasures reader writing to thank you for the article that has introduced us to blogs!
Already family and friends around the world are enjoying the updates on Cole.
Enjoy Oz! Bex :)