Saturday, October 15, 2005

Taronga Zoo

The boys headed across the bridge to join the Zoo yesterday, after checking out the Chatswood and Mosman districts. Both are on the North shore and within easy access of the Harbour Bridge. I have to admit preference for Mosman though. The plan will be to rent for a year or two and see how things go.

The Zoo is AMAZING and Jarvis and I had a ball, even stopping to stroke a lizard. We saw Kangaroo's, Koala's and some weird spikey native creatures called Echidna. We even took a ride in the gondola, that takes you high above the zoo. As we did in Auckland, we signed the whanau up for a years membership. This makes total sense as Jarvis and I visited the Auckland Zoo every week, back home.

I have to admit to REALLY missing our friends in Auckland. It hit me as I lay in the bath this morning at 4.30am (the sun comes up early here). Even though we only lived there for 4-years, the bonds were very strong, especially with our Coffe Group and Radioworks mates. Feeling sad now :o(

Tonight Working Mum has a function on, which involves dinning on a boat, out in the Sydney Harbour. Jarvis and I are not at all jealous though, as we have something special planned. We've been tipped off, that if we go to the Botanical Gardens at dusk, we'll be able to see thousands of big bats heading off to feed. That should be very cool.

House Dad.


Anonymous said...

Oh is sounds like your having heaps of fun. Not to worry we all talked about you on Saturday while the "Coffee Gang" all caught up at Devonport beach (we had lots of sun and it was really hot, yippeeee). Looks like it will be another great day today so off to the beach we go.....catch you all soon

EKB42 said...

Thanks Housedad for your advice, was really concerned about some of the comments but have taken your advice so will see what happens. Have tried to download a counter also but no avail yet, obviously not a male thing. We lived in Mosman for 2 years a great suburd totally recommend it. Many thanks again and good luck. Katey and Mum