We picked up the keys for our new place today, which is great, as we can start planning our move in, once our stuff clears customs. The best bit will be when we get the PC up and running, as I have to come to an Internet cafe to do these updates, and the bloke who has just sat next to me has HORRIBLE b.o...yuk!
Oh yeah, the first ever concert I went to was Depeche Mode in 1981 and since then I've been to seen hundreds of bands. It's not until now that my concert going has reached its pinical though, as today I booked a couple of tickets for Jarvis and I to go and see The Wiggles on 19th December. Mmmmmm, should be interesting :o)
House Dad.

Hey looking forward to seeing the house pictures!! and also having your email up and running.....
Hi there, I read your article in Treasures and created our own Blog which is fantastic! I had been wanting to set up a website or something as we have family and friends overseas, this is ideal (-: You might be able to help me... hiw did you put your pic in the sidebar? When I go to profile it asks for a picture URL - how do I do that? Thanks!
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