Thursday, October 27, 2005

New Home - Thong - Cover - Judith & Will

At last we have found a place to live and it's in a very nice inner city area of the city, which we like. This means that Working mum can catch a bus to work, that will only take about 10-minutes to get her there. We'll let family and friends know the address once we get sorted.

Paid a visit to my friends Judith and Will yesterday, who we've not seen since we were last in OZ. He's grown so much and is such a little man. Hard as and full of fun. Hopefully the boys will become good mates and play against each other in a All- Blacks vs. Wallabies game one day.

Yes it's true, House Dad is now wearing thongs in public! Don't worry it's not one of those awful pieces of underwear, but what we'd call back home, Jandals, or in Europe, sandals. Everyone wears them here and after a day of wearing them, I can see why. They keep your feet nice and cool.

Bought a cover for Jarvis' stroller yesterday from the Cancer Society shop (see pic below) It has a 50 spf and keeps him cool too.

Below are pictures of Judith, Will and Jarvis in the park, Working Mum about to catch the bus and the new stroller cover.

House Dad.

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