Saturday, October 22, 2005

Working Mum Home - Happy Bloggers

What a relief to pick Working Mum up from the airport last night. She's promised that this will be her last trip away for sometime. Jarvis was SOOOO excited to see his mum, but he goes all shy. He can't be sure how to handle his emotions, dont know? Anyway, she's home and we are going to make the most of her this weekend.

We've had some lovely posts on the blog from others who have started up, via the article I wrote in the last edition of Little Treasure's magazine. It's so nice to hear from other parents and this is such a wonderful tool for exchanging ideas and giving surport, both technically and emotionally. It's also nice to hear from my Sister in Glasgow...'Hey Neffni' Glad you enjoyed the video :o)

Once I leave this Internet cafe, I'll go home and take Working Mum and Jarvis out to breakfast, to celebrate her being home. Then I think, we'll need to go out and look for a place to live. It looks like the North Shore will be the place. Anyone got any tips on Sydney and the best places to bring up a Toddler?

Below are two pictures from last night as Jarvis and Neffni Bear wait for Mum. The other is Jarvis eating from his new dinning set.

House Dad.

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