Today has been a long one, as Working Mum has done one very early start and two late nights in the last 48-hours. It's very tough on her, as I know she misses her wee boy so much, but at least he's in safe hands with his Dad.
I've just got him off to sleep at 10.12pm!!! He was very restless and fell out of bed once...opps! What was that I just said about safe hands? Anyway, he was very twitchy and would not go down, so I cuddled into him, stroked his hair and spoke gently. It finally worked, though I kept thinking, 'Got to do the blog, don't fall asleep' So now I've done it, I'm going back to bed before Working Mum gets home to relieve me.
Todays pictures are of Jarvis trying to climb a display in the pet shop and then a trip to the playground.
House Dad....zzzzzzzz

Hi, That would be great if you do find someone to copy a blog for when the kids are older. Thanks for thinking of me. I love looking at your blog to see what you get up to, even though i don't know you personally.
Hey -love your website, read about it in Little Treasures and now we have one of our own. Hoping you can help me. I can't seem to paste extra things onto my template. Paste is not an option. Is there something extra I have to do. I want to put the clock and a poll on my website! Thanks and love your wee boy he is gorgeous.
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