Apologies for not updating the blog for a few days, but we've been quite hectic. On Friday, Working Mum came home, so we had a quiet early night. On Saturday, Working Mum took Jarvis swimming so that I could do the final bit of unpacking, which I did. This included putting a new duvet cover on Jarvis' bed (see pic below) That was followed by picking up James, Dad of Jarvis' new buddy, Lucie at midnight, for a drive over to the Piermont Hotel to watch the All-Blacks very hard faught victory over the Poms. I got home to sleep at about 4.30am, so we've taken today nice and easy.
This arvo we walked down Oxford street, to buy Jarvis his first ever bike. He's mad about bikes, and always points to them in the street. He came most of the way home on it, and we collected loads of treasures from the sidewalks, which went into the tray on the back.
Now Working Mum is making a roast, as that's Jarvis favourite meal, and as we already know, it's all about Jarvis...lol.
House Dad.

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