Had lunch with Working Mum in town as we have to change over our driving licences to Ozzie ones. From there Jarvis and I popped along to the Aquarium, where we met a couple from the town we used to live in England. An elderly Scottish woman also spoke to Jarvis and due to her accent, he had no idea what she was saying. He just raised the palms of his hands, just like and Italian soccer player and gave her a 'what the hell are you talking about?' look.
Now the boy is sleeping and I'm doing a quick update of the blog. It was lovely to get an e-mail from our good friends Judd and Melissa in Auckland. OMG!!! Jaylan has grown up so much and check out that super blonde mullet. I'm sure the boys will hook up again, also with their buddy Boston when they are older and we move back to NZ, and become a trio of heartbreakers for the girls.
House Dad.

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