Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mr. Angry

OMG!!! It was over 40 degrees today in Sydney! It's now 8.30pm and it's still 37 degrees! Hopefully we'll get used to it or we'l lhave to invest in some air-con...fancy a trip over George?

I get really angry about people who don't have children using parking spots reserved for parents with young children. Equally angry too, when it's a disabled spot. Anyway, at the mall today I reported a guy for parking in a toddler spot, which resulted in him getting a ticket :o) I did tell him he was parked in the wrong place, but he was quite rude, so I thought, '@#*& you mate' I'm so glad that I did it. The strange thing is that 99% of the time that I see people parking wrongfully in disabled or parent and child spots, they are driving BMW's...says quite a bit aye.

Less moaning now. I cooked garlic kumara and chicken kebabs tonight, which Jarvis took quite a liking to. What a caveman he's become.

House Dad.

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