Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Long, Long Day

At 5.45am I was running up a very steep 300-metre long hill in Lilyfield as part of my weekly hill training session. To take my mind off of the pain I decided to think about how I could entertain the boys today with all sorts of fantastic options. By the tenth and final hill climb, I was certain that I'd have no energy left for the boys and that we'd have an at home day. However, within being home for an hour, I just knew that we would need to get out for the day, or we'd all go mad.

So it was that we found ourselves heading into the city on the train. It may sound boring, but our city days are so much fun. There's no plan, just a case of wandering to see where we end up. We did have a wee mission on though to find Jarvis a new hat. However, after visiting a few shops, Jarvis lost interest and gave up on the task.

I had to grab a picture of the boys as we made our way down George Street, as it was so typical of the way we lead our lives. The three of us where all eating as we moved along. I had some kai in the hood of the stroller, Felix had some in a little stash to his side and Jarvis, sitting down on his skateboard at the rear, had his snacks on his lap. It's so us on our days out - too busy to stop and sit to eat!

We did all our normal haunts ending up on the steps of the Sydney Opera House. It's quite a fun place to play, though the security guards are always growling at us not to climb the slopes and to stop running around. Kill joys!

Before we jumped onto the train for the ride home, we stopped at an ice cream shop and bought two pots of ice-cream. Jarvis went for orange sorbet and I went for raspberry ripple, with the view of sharing mine with Felix. Totally out of the blue, Jarvis started feeding Felix his ice cream. I was stunned! What a nice thing to do. I think though, it may have had something to do with me mentioning only five-minutes earlier that Santa was watching his every move!

Anyway, it's now 8.45pm and Adrienne is out with clients until late. Both the boys are fast asleep after their hectic day and on reflection, I'm so glad that we went out and had so much fun.

House Dad.

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