It's been a few weeks since I last posted on The World Of Jarvis Tahi. I started this blog back in December 2004, when Jarvis was just six-months old and I was in my first days of being a full-time House Dad. Now 1, 140 posts later and with 48, 749 visitors to date, I've decided that it is time to finish. It's been a wonderful four-years, which has seen me make heaps of new friends via this blog and helped keep family and friends, both overseas and Australia updated about the happenings of one very happy and confident wee boy. The blog has recorded all of Jarvis landmarks, both at home in New Zealand and in our new home of Australia, from six-months old to four and a half-years of age. However, over the last few months I felt that rather than poke a camera in Jarvis face 30 to 40-times a day (something I sensed was beginning to get on his nerves), I would rather put that time and effort into the boy himself, which I know is the right thing to do.
But, it's not the end, as I've become somewhat addicted to blogging, with both The World Of Jarvis Tahi and the much under updated The World Of Felix Rua, that I just have to continue. Our new blog won't be updated nearly daily, as was the case with Jarvis blog, but it will feature both Jarvis and Felix and their beautiful beloved Mumma Adrienne. Plus, I'm sure I can squeeze in the odd bit about their running crazy Father and Husband.
So firstly, 'Thank You' to YOU for visiting this site so often and the feedback and encouragement you've given. Secondly to Jarvis, who I hope when reading this in years to come, does not object to me stopping at 4 and a half years of his life. I feel somewhat guilty about this, but hopefully my beautiful Son, you would have enjoyed our time together much more. And thirdly, get your butts over to The World Of The Bakers and see what we have been up to.
Lee xox
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Taking It Easy - Part Two
I have to confess to be actually enjoying not blogging at the moment, instead, using my time to relax and savor having the whole whanua together for two whole weeks. Adrienne has often mentioned, that I tend to miss out on too much of the boys fun, as I'm so obsessed with getting pictures for the blog. So yeah, here are the few pictures we've taken over the last week.
Last weekend, while I recovered from two back to back 30k runs, Adrienne took the boys to the Thomas The Tank Engine rides at The Train Shed. Adrienne told me that they all had a wonderful time, spending about 4-hours riding around on the various miniature trains from the TV series.

Then from Monday to Tuesday we spent three wonderful days on a wee break. We took the boys to Jamberoo Action Park. They had a fantastic time and spent hours upon hours playing in the water parks. It was very hot too, so everyone was plastered in heaps of sunscreen, which was very much needed in the heat.
We stayed at quite a nice hotel in Wollongong. Jarvis really enjoys staying in hotels, which is funny, as both his parents probably never got to stay in a hotel until our late teens. Kids today, eh! Wollongong itself was a VERY strange place and I've never been hit up so much by drunks and druggies, trying to scrounge money before. The beach front was pleasant though, and in the evenings the whole whanau enjoyed digging fro treasure and chasing seagulls on the beach.

So yeah, that's a brief update of what we have been up to this week. Sorry I'm not updating daily through this holiday period, but I thought I'd give the whanau some of my attention, as opposed to my normal activity of sticking a camera in their faces all day long LOL.
House Dad.
Last weekend, while I recovered from two back to back 30k runs, Adrienne took the boys to the Thomas The Tank Engine rides at The Train Shed. Adrienne told me that they all had a wonderful time, spending about 4-hours riding around on the various miniature trains from the TV series.
Then from Monday to Tuesday we spent three wonderful days on a wee break. We took the boys to Jamberoo Action Park. They had a fantastic time and spent hours upon hours playing in the water parks. It was very hot too, so everyone was plastered in heaps of sunscreen, which was very much needed in the heat.
We stayed at quite a nice hotel in Wollongong. Jarvis really enjoys staying in hotels, which is funny, as both his parents probably never got to stay in a hotel until our late teens. Kids today, eh! Wollongong itself was a VERY strange place and I've never been hit up so much by drunks and druggies, trying to scrounge money before. The beach front was pleasant though, and in the evenings the whole whanau enjoyed digging fro treasure and chasing seagulls on the beach.
So yeah, that's a brief update of what we have been up to this week. Sorry I'm not updating daily through this holiday period, but I thought I'd give the whanau some of my attention, as opposed to my normal activity of sticking a camera in their faces all day long LOL.
House Dad.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Taking It Easy
As it's the holiday season, I've kind of fallen into the relaxed mode and not been blogging very much, as some of you may have noticed. Instead, I've put the camera down and spent my time playing and enjoying family time, as Adrienne is off work for the next two-weeks. This is in part due to my new approach of the summer holidays to pace myself and slow things down heaps. The down side being that I've not kept up my regular blogging, but I'm sure we'll get back to it soon.
Anyway, over the last week Jarvis has been up to all sorts of things. Here's some of the bit and pieces he's been doing:
The boys had a really simple trip into the city, as it was nice and sunny. Rather than spend all over city time going into toy shops, we spent a fair portion of our time in Hyde Park. As it was sunny, Jarvis got to wear his new stylish hat, which he adores wearing.

On one of our easy days we walked to some local shops, where Jarvis bought a pack of trick flies. The intention was to trick his beloved Mumma, by putting them on her food. He did this when she came home, by placing them in bowl of strawberries, which he then gave his beloved Mumma.

I got bored of pulling an old piece of plastic over the garden table and chairs, in order to make a camp for the boys. So bright and early we set off for a walk to a local camping shop, who were having a sale. I purchased a really simple and easy to erect two-man tent for Jarvis and Felix. And how much did I pay for the tent? Just $22 - how good is that? Anyway, Jarvis set himself up inside with chairs, sleeping bag and Scooby Doo magazines and proclaimed himself to be Barry The Life Guard!

It was VERY hot on Adrienne's last day of work, meaning that she had to cycle home in the midday sun. It took her a lot longer than normal and as soon as she arrived, she plonked her whole body into one of the boys paddling pool. Jarvis thought it was hysterical, but Felix was a bit stunned!

And today, being Saturday 3rd January, the whanau had a wonderful trip to Sydney Zoo, which was packed to the rafters when we left at about noon. Sensibly, we arrived at 9am and enjoyed a fabulous day out. Jarvis was stoked to have his beloved Mumma along, as it's normally just Felix and myself, on weekday trips. Jarvis showed his beloved Mumma all the animals and never once let her out of his sight.

So yeah, the updates may be a bit few and far between over the next couple of weeks, as I'm going to be enjoying my beautiful family, and I'm sure no one will begrudge me that aye.
Happy New Year and lots of love from Jarvis, Adrienne, Felix and Lee xox
Anyway, over the last week Jarvis has been up to all sorts of things. Here's some of the bit and pieces he's been doing:
The boys had a really simple trip into the city, as it was nice and sunny. Rather than spend all over city time going into toy shops, we spent a fair portion of our time in Hyde Park. As it was sunny, Jarvis got to wear his new stylish hat, which he adores wearing.
On one of our easy days we walked to some local shops, where Jarvis bought a pack of trick flies. The intention was to trick his beloved Mumma, by putting them on her food. He did this when she came home, by placing them in bowl of strawberries, which he then gave his beloved Mumma.
I got bored of pulling an old piece of plastic over the garden table and chairs, in order to make a camp for the boys. So bright and early we set off for a walk to a local camping shop, who were having a sale. I purchased a really simple and easy to erect two-man tent for Jarvis and Felix. And how much did I pay for the tent? Just $22 - how good is that? Anyway, Jarvis set himself up inside with chairs, sleeping bag and Scooby Doo magazines and proclaimed himself to be Barry The Life Guard!
It was VERY hot on Adrienne's last day of work, meaning that she had to cycle home in the midday sun. It took her a lot longer than normal and as soon as she arrived, she plonked her whole body into one of the boys paddling pool. Jarvis thought it was hysterical, but Felix was a bit stunned!
And today, being Saturday 3rd January, the whanau had a wonderful trip to Sydney Zoo, which was packed to the rafters when we left at about noon. Sensibly, we arrived at 9am and enjoyed a fabulous day out. Jarvis was stoked to have his beloved Mumma along, as it's normally just Felix and myself, on weekday trips. Jarvis showed his beloved Mumma all the animals and never once let her out of his sight.
So yeah, the updates may be a bit few and far between over the next couple of weeks, as I'm going to be enjoying my beautiful family, and I'm sure no one will begrudge me that aye.
Happy New Year and lots of love from Jarvis, Adrienne, Felix and Lee xox
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The City Farm
Adrienne and the boys headed west today to visit The City Farm, a place Adrienne has wanted to go to for ages. I stayed behind to do chores, as I've been a bit grumpy over the last few days, so wasn't allowed to go.
It was only a 40-minute drive from the Inner West, so not major trek for them. They arrived by 9.30am with the heat already in the mid-twenties. Thankfully, Adrienne had covered the boys with sunscreen, hats and sunnies.
Jarvis was the leader for the day and opted to visit the baby animal section first, where they saw baby piglets, lambs, chicks, calves and kids, which I think is the correct term for a baby goat? Apparently Felix spent the whole time in the baby animal barn trying to catch a chicken!
Then it was off for a pony ride, with Jarvis telling anyone who would listen that he was a cowboy. Talking of cowboys, he was VERY impressed with the cowboys on site, who gave an amazing demonstration of their lasso skills.
Then the whanau took the tractor ride around the grounds, so that they could check out some more animals, which also included some native ones too, such as kangaroos and koala. From the tractor ride, it was straight into the cafe for a cooling ice block, before heading home. All in all, they spent about 4-hours at The City Farm and Adrienne says that anyone with Little People should go check it out.
House Dad.

It was only a 40-minute drive from the Inner West, so not major trek for them. They arrived by 9.30am with the heat already in the mid-twenties. Thankfully, Adrienne had covered the boys with sunscreen, hats and sunnies.
Jarvis was the leader for the day and opted to visit the baby animal section first, where they saw baby piglets, lambs, chicks, calves and kids, which I think is the correct term for a baby goat? Apparently Felix spent the whole time in the baby animal barn trying to catch a chicken!
Then it was off for a pony ride, with Jarvis telling anyone who would listen that he was a cowboy. Talking of cowboys, he was VERY impressed with the cowboys on site, who gave an amazing demonstration of their lasso skills.
Then the whanau took the tractor ride around the grounds, so that they could check out some more animals, which also included some native ones too, such as kangaroos and koala. From the tractor ride, it was straight into the cafe for a cooling ice block, before heading home. All in all, they spent about 4-hours at The City Farm and Adrienne says that anyone with Little People should go check it out.
House Dad.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day 2008
Jarvis had a lovely Christmas Day and was really well behaved and polite. There was no ripping open presents, throwing them aside and moving onto the next one. As he opened each one, he'd inspect it and then play with that toy for ages, before moving onto the next one. I think he opened his first present at about 7am and the final one at about 11am. And to be honest, we were very good with our present buying this year and the boys only got about 6-presents each. I was VERY impressed with Jarvis today and proud too.
Without doubt his favourite presents where the Hot Wheels Trick Tracks, that he's been asking for, for ages. He got three different sets, that all connect up and as each one was opened, he'd raise the box above his head and scream "Hot Wheels Trick Tracks, I love 'em."
Christmas lunch went well too, with Jarvis, helped at the end by his beloved Mumma, eating all of his food. He's still not a great eater, but I'm sure that will come with time. He even sat with wee Felix at their table with no bickering or fighting.
The last thing he did in the evening before going to bed, was to enjoy a glass of warm milk and honey and chat to his Nanny Ronnie in the U.K. He told Nanny all about his Trick Tracks and other presents, before heading off to bed, to no doubt dream about his cars :o)
House Dad.

Without doubt his favourite presents where the Hot Wheels Trick Tracks, that he's been asking for, for ages. He got three different sets, that all connect up and as each one was opened, he'd raise the box above his head and scream "Hot Wheels Trick Tracks, I love 'em."
Christmas lunch went well too, with Jarvis, helped at the end by his beloved Mumma, eating all of his food. He's still not a great eater, but I'm sure that will come with time. He even sat with wee Felix at their table with no bickering or fighting.
The last thing he did in the evening before going to bed, was to enjoy a glass of warm milk and honey and chat to his Nanny Ronnie in the U.K. He told Nanny all about his Trick Tracks and other presents, before heading off to bed, to no doubt dream about his cars :o)
House Dad.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
We drove into Adrienne's work about mid-morning, so that we could pick up a few last minute things for Christmas and then give Jarvis beloved Mumma a ride home. Adrienne works in North Sydney, which is mainly office blocks, with little else for little people to do, hence our arrival into the office an hour early. I don't think Adrienne's co-workers were too fussed, as a bubbly wee curly haired boy running around added to the festive spirit. As we know, Jarvis certainly does not hold back when it comes to being confident and had the whole office entertained within minutes of his arrival.
I had bought some lunch for the whanau, so we moved out into the kitchen to eat it and keep the noise levels down. Jarvis was overjoyed to be joined by Carmen, Shelley and Christine, who are part of Adrienne's team. He told them jokes, pulled his best dance moves and had them in fits of laughter.
On the drive home we spotted a large plastic troll and decorative garden that has appeared underneath the local light railway bridge. We just had to pull over and check it out. Apparently, it's been set up as either a publicity stunt for a new TV show or by a group of people who reclaim boring wasted land and beautify it. Either way, we loved it. Here's some info that another local wrote: floating world views
Jarvis and I had a heap of jobs to do on Christmas Eve, such as put out carrots and water for Santa's reindeer, put up the Christmas stockings, leave out some milk and cookies for Santa and make sure the outside Christmas lights were on, so that Santa could land safely. It was such fun to do with him.
Jarvis also had a surprise visitor in the afternoon, his big sister Claire, who has just returned from China. Claire is such a sweetie and bought her little Brother's some presents. Jarvis was delighted to see Claire and talked about his big Sister all night long.
Then it was off to bed nice and early, with no fuss, for a lovely sleep to recharge the batteries for The Big Day!
House Dad.

I had bought some lunch for the whanau, so we moved out into the kitchen to eat it and keep the noise levels down. Jarvis was overjoyed to be joined by Carmen, Shelley and Christine, who are part of Adrienne's team. He told them jokes, pulled his best dance moves and had them in fits of laughter.
On the drive home we spotted a large plastic troll and decorative garden that has appeared underneath the local light railway bridge. We just had to pull over and check it out. Apparently, it's been set up as either a publicity stunt for a new TV show or by a group of people who reclaim boring wasted land and beautify it. Either way, we loved it. Here's some info that another local wrote: floating world views
Jarvis and I had a heap of jobs to do on Christmas Eve, such as put out carrots and water for Santa's reindeer, put up the Christmas stockings, leave out some milk and cookies for Santa and make sure the outside Christmas lights were on, so that Santa could land safely. It was such fun to do with him.
Jarvis also had a surprise visitor in the afternoon, his big sister Claire, who has just returned from China. Claire is such a sweetie and bought her little Brother's some presents. Jarvis was delighted to see Claire and talked about his big Sister all night long.
Then it was off to bed nice and early, with no fuss, for a lovely sleep to recharge the batteries for The Big Day!
House Dad.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Group Of 'Beached As' Bros
Jarvis reminded me first thing that we still had to get one last present for his beloved Mumma. So off we set to The Supa Centre to pick up a wee surprise for Adrienne. While we were in Dick Smith we got talking to some other shoppers, who I knew by their accents were Kiwi's too. It was so nice to talk with fellow Kiwi's about home and stuff. Who else would know about 'Beached As Bro'. Anyway, we hung with them for a while and even persuaded them to have their picture taken with us. It's a bugger, as I never got their names, so sorry if you guys are reading this. Plus, the eldest Daughter knew where you could buy the 'Beached As' t-shirts in Sydney, as Jarvis and I spotted them, but can we find the shop again! We wanted to get one for Adrienne.
After what seemed like an eternity in Toys R Us, the boys enjoyed a greasy rissole sandwich. I was chuffed, as both Felix and Jarvis sat at a table and ate half a sandwich each. This would be a first for me, as we always seem to be racing here and there and popping food in our mouths as we go along. To have both boys on their bums and eating was amazing.
Once back at home and with the two paddling pools nicely warmed up in the sun, we all put on our togs for a play in the water and sun. Again, it was nice to have the gazebo to play in, as the heat was really intense.
After a couple of hours we came inside to some quiet time, as Felix was due a sleep. After the boys were dried off and into their grundies, I gave them a bowl of fruit each, so that they could sit back and enjoy a movie. It got me to thinking about how good the boys lives are, having me as their servant all day long. It's a tough life for them aye!
House Dad.

After what seemed like an eternity in Toys R Us, the boys enjoyed a greasy rissole sandwich. I was chuffed, as both Felix and Jarvis sat at a table and ate half a sandwich each. This would be a first for me, as we always seem to be racing here and there and popping food in our mouths as we go along. To have both boys on their bums and eating was amazing.
Once back at home and with the two paddling pools nicely warmed up in the sun, we all put on our togs for a play in the water and sun. Again, it was nice to have the gazebo to play in, as the heat was really intense.
After a couple of hours we came inside to some quiet time, as Felix was due a sleep. After the boys were dried off and into their grundies, I gave them a bowl of fruit each, so that they could sit back and enjoy a movie. It got me to thinking about how good the boys lives are, having me as their servant all day long. It's a tough life for them aye!
House Dad.
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